15 October, 2009

Sharing Folders in Google Docs

Google docs, a few days ago, began allowing folder shares. I applaud while asking what took so long under my breath. Since I have a handful of Apps accounts, I was regularly sharing files between them. The annoyance came when I had a few dozen files to move from point A to point B and no way to do so other than one by one.

Now I can bundle everything together and kick it off all at once. Unless you have ever tried to share multiple files, you'll never understand. For you non-share-ers, imagine having to send 54 emails, each with its own attachment, in lieu of being able to attach all 54 items to the same email. Ok, now your a bit closer to understanding.

Also new, and easily as useful as folder sharing, is multiple file upload. Useful for all the same reasons as the above, and potentially a real headache saver. Say you receive a few dozen text documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and the like. All really important and from someone you would never allow to know about your massive lava lamp collection. While your away one afternoon, a lava lamps gets frisky and decides to explode. A quart of semi-clear liquid and a few ounces of oil based red paint murder your computer and the photo of mom you keep on your desk. Sorry mom. If only you had those files in a cloud somewhere so you could just load them up on your kid's sticker festooned computer, get the work done, and never have to disclose your misfortune to the client.

Sure you were going to upload each of those things independently, but that was going to take so long, you decided to do it when you got back. Happily, this whole mess, and believe you me, exploding lava lamps make one heck of a mess, is avoided by multiple file upload. Your important files can float along in the cloud, safe from frisky lava lamps and eyes other than yours. Thanks Google.

In other Google news:
We'll see ebooks for sale through Google soon.
Wave is launching.
Android is starting to hop on web books. Woot.